Ikmyer Gaming

Let the Chat Games Begin

Posted by Matthew on 23 May 2024

I have been working on a new game for my stream.  The idea was to get everyone involved both during and outside of streams.  It's going to start out real simple but I plan to expand as time goes on.  Visit the RPG section and start building your character today! - http://www.ikmyer.com/rpg.php (must be logged in)

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New Giveaway System

Posted by Matthew on 23 May 2024

I really need to start posting here more often.  We have a new giveaway system incoming this week.  I think its unique and I'm not sure I have ever seen giveaways done this way before so hopefully it works out and people like it.  More details in the next day or two.

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Mafia III

Posted by Matthew on 23 May 2024

Mafia III will be the main focus during the week starting this Thursday!

Comments - Categories: PC

Forza Horizon 3

Posted by Matthew on 23 May 2024

New game time! Forza Horizon 3 will be the main game for the next few weeks. Most likely will focus on the main story to begin with and then move on to some multiplayer.

Comments - Categories: Racing XB1

Ikmyer Gaming

Posted by Matthew on 23 May 2024

Welcome to Ikmyer Gaming.  Here you will find any and all information related to me broadcasting on Twitch.  Please feel free to leave any feedback you have regarding the show or this site, what you like... what you don't like.

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